Table notes

  • Average weight is rounded to 3 significant digits.
  • Manure production numbers are rounded to 4 decimal places.
  • Manure production and dry matter entries marked “N/A” indicate a non-typical housing process.
  • Livestock housing capacity is rounded to 2 decimal places if it is above 0.2 m2/animal, and 3 decimal places if it is below 0.2 m2/animal.
  • Livestock housing capacity values marked “N/A” indicate that information is not available.
  • Livestock density is based on barn area only for a housing system (outdoor yard is not included).
  • Livestock housing capacity numbers are used to develop an estimated barn size.

If the farm unit has more than one type of farm animal present on it, then this calculation would have to be completed for each type of animal separately, then all the results totaled to give the total nutrient units (NU) generated by farm animals on the farm.


Beef: backgrounders (7 to 12.5 months)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 308 90 0.0724 9.0 0.0604 22 3 4.65
Yard/barn 308 90 N/A N/A 0.0604 22 3 3.72
Beef: brood cows (includes calves to weaning)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 590 100 0.0724 9.0 0.0604 30 1 9.29
Deep bedded 590 100 N/A N/A 0.0812 45 1 9.29
Yard/barn 590 100 N/A N/A 0.0604 30 1 4.65
Beef: feeders (7 to 16 months)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
bedded pack
394 75 N/A N/A 0.0687 30 3 4.65
pack scrape
394 75 0.0724 9.0 0.0604 22 3 4.65
total slats
394 75 0.0724 9.0 N/A N/A 3 1.86
Yard/barn 394 75 N/A N/A 0.0604 22 3 4.18
Beef: short keep (12.5 to 17.5 months)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 492 83 0.0724 9.0 0.0604 22 2 6.04


Chickens: broiler breeder growers (females and males transferred out)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Floor system 0.708 83 N/A N/A 0.1124 60 300 0.158
Chickens: broiler breeder layer (females and males transferred in)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Cages 3.04 90 N/A N/A 0.0749 60 100 0.121
Litter with slats 2.63 90 N/A N/A 0.0562 65 100 0.195
Chickens: broilers
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Broilers, <2 kg shipping weight 0.670 70 N/A N/A 0.1104 60 351 0.071
Broilers, 2.01–2.5 kg shipping weight 0.740 70 N/A N/A 0.1104 60 300 0.083
Broilers, 2.51–3.0 kg shipping weight 0.920 70 N/A N/A 0.1104 60 250 0.099
Broilers, >3.01 kg shipping weight 1.17 70 N/A N/A 0.1104 60 199 0.124
Chickens: layer pullets (day-olds)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Cages 0.408 83 0.1124 13.9 0.0624 25 500 0.028
Litter 0.408 83 N/A N/A 0.1249 58 500 0.186
Chickens: laying hens
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Belt and other removal system (daily) 1.43 96 0.1124 11.1 0.0624 20 150 N/A
Belt with air drying (daily) 1.43 96 N/A N/A 0.0624 30 150 N/A
Floor run 1.70 96 N/A N/A 0.0749 60 150 0.093
High rise: stored in barn 1.43 96 N/A N/A 0.0624 20 150 N/A
Liquid: stored in barn 1.43 96 0.1124 11.1 N/A N/A 150 N/A


Chinchilla: breeding females (includes males/rep/market animals)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 0.567 100 N/A N/A 0.1561 66 320 0.743


Dairy: calves large frame
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 90.7 100 0.0750 11.0 0.0955 45 6 3.25
Dairy: calves medium frame (guernsey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 74.4 100 0.0750 11.0 0.0955 45 7 2.97
Dairy: calves small frame (jersey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 60.8 100 0.0750 11.0 0.0955 45 8.5 2.60
Dairy: heifers large frame
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Deep bedded 295 100 N/A N/A 0.0516 40 2 6.50
Free stall 295 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0599 19 2 6.97
Manure pack outside access 295 100 N/A N/A 0.0516 40 2 3.72
Pack scrape 1 side 295 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0516 40 2 9.29
Pack scrape 2 sides 295 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0516 40 2 8.36
Dairy: heifers medium frame (guernsey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Deep bedded 249 100 N/A N/A 0.0516 40 2.4 5.20
Free stall 249 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0599 19 2.4 5.57
Pack scrape 249 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0516 40 2.4 7.43
Dairy: heifers small frame (jersey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Deep bedded 204 100 N/A N/A 0.0516 40 2.9 4.65
Free stall 204 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0599 19 2.9 4.92
Pack scrape 204 100 0.0714 11.0 0.0516 40 2.9 6.50
Dairy: milking age cows large frame
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
4 row free stall head to head 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 0.7 11.6
4 row free stall tail to tail 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 0.7 10.2
6 row free stall 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 0.7 9.29
Bedded pack 700 100 N/A N/A 0.1020 45 0.7 16.7
Pack scrape 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.1020 45 0.7 16.7
3 row free stall 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 0.7 9.76
Sand 700 100 0.1264 9.1 0.1051 21 0.7 N/A
Tie stall 700 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 0.7 10.2
Dairy: milking age cows medium frame (guernsey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Bedded pack 550 100 N/A N/A 0.1020 45 0.85 15.3
Free stall 550 100 0.1165 9.0 0.0952 21 0.85 9.29
Pack scrape 550 100 0.1165 9.1 0.1020 45 0.85 15.3
Sand 550 100 0.1264 9.1 0.1051 21 0.85 N/A
Tie stall 550 100 0.1165 9.0 0.0952 21 0.85 8.36
Dairy: milking age cows small frame (jersey size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Bedded pack 454 100 N/A N/A 0.1020 45 1 13.5
Free stall 454 100 0.1165 9.0 0.0952 21 1 8.36
Tie stall 454 100 0.1165 9.1 0.0952 21 1 7.43
Pack scrape 454 100 0.1165 9.1 0.1020 45 1 13.5
Sand 454 100 0.1264 9.1 0.1051 21 1 N/A


Deer/elk: elk adults (greater than 24 months, includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 272 100 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 2 N/A
Deer/elk: elk feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 127 75 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 6 N/A
Deer/elk: elk-red deer hybrid adults (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 170 100 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 4 N/A
Deer/elk: elk/red deer hybrid feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 97.5 75 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 10 N/A
Deer/elk: fallow deer adults (greater than 24 months, includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 45.4 100 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 13 N/A
Deer/elk: fallow deer feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 31.8 75 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 23 N/A
Deer/elk: red deer adults (greater than 24 months, includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 99.8 100 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 7 N/A
Deer/elk: red deer feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 63.5 75 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 14 N/A
Deer/elk: white tailed deer adults (greater than 24 months, includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 56.7 100 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 11 N/A
Deer/elk: white tailed deer feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 40.8 75 N/A N/A 0.0456 30 21 N/A


Ducks: peking
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Breeders 2.95 100 N/A N/A 0.3765 57 105 0.465
Growers 1.04 90 0.3627 7.0 0.3471 57 105 0.167


Emu: adults (includes offspring to market size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 56.7 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 11.1


Fox: breeding females (includes rep/market animals/male)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 6.80 80 N/A N/A 0.0874 36 25 9.29


Goats: dairy does (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 77.1 100 N/A N/A 0.0453 30 8 1.86
Goats: dairy kids
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 16.3 100 N/A N/A 0.0453 30 32 0.743
Goats: feeder kids (greater than 20 kg)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 18.1 0 N/A N/A 0.0375 30 32 0.743
Goats: mature meat goat (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 72.6 0 N/A N/A 0.0375 30 8 1.39


Horses: large frame (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Box stalls 680 100 N/A N/A 0.0887 46 0.7 30.2
Horses: medium frame (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Box stalls 454 100 N/A N/A 0.0887 46 1 23.2
Horses: small frame (includes unweaned offspring)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Box stalls 227 100 N/A N/A 0.0887 46 2 16.3


Mink: breeding females (includes rep/market animals/males)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 1.25 80 1.7136 2.1 0.2536 35 60 2.32


Ostrich: adults (includes offspring to market size)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 136 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 9.29


Rabbits: breeding does (includes bucks/rep/fryers)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
1 tier cages 4.54 100 N/A N/A 0.1561 45 40 1.80
2 tier cages 4.54 100 N/A N/A 0.1561 45 40 0.892
3 tier cages 4.54 100 N/A N/A 0.1561 45 40 0.595


Sheep: dairy and feeders lambs
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 33.2 75 N/A N/A 0.0378 30 20 0.929
Outside access 33.2 75 N/A N/A 0.0378 30 20 0.557
Sheep: dairy ewes and rams (includes unweaned offspring and replacements)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 93.0 100 N/A N/A 0.0556 40 6 2.14
Outside access 93.0 100 N/A N/A 0.0556 40 6 2.14
Sheep: meat ewes and rams (includes unweaned offspring and replacements)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Confinement 79.4 100 N/A N/A 0.0556 40 8 2.14
Outside access 79.4 100 N/A N/A 0.0453 30 8 1.39


Swine: feeders
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Full slats 61.4 89 0.1311 5 N/A N/A 5.25 0.957
Full slats (wet/dry feeders) 61.4 89 0.0837 7 N/A N/A 5.25 0.957
Deep bedded 61.4 89 N/A N/A 0.078 45 5.25 1.49
Partial slats 61.4 89 0.1311 5 N/A N/A 5.25 1.064
Partial slats (wet/dry Feeders) 61.4 89 0.0837 7 N/A N/A 5.25 1.064
Solid scrape 61.4 89 0.1311 5 0.0843 13 5.25 1.278
Solid scrape (wet/dry feeders) 61.4 89 0.0837 7 0.0843 20 5.25 1.278
Swine: gilts (breeders)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 90.3 85 0.0893 2.7 N/A N/A 5 1.39
Swine: sows (dry) and boars
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Deep bedded pack 136 100 N/A N/A 0.0818 45 3.5 2.79
Full or partial slats 136 100 0.1167 2.5 0.0974 15 3.5 2.79
Swine: sows with litters
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 181 100 0.1167 2.1 0.0974 15 3.5 6.50
Swine: weaners
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Non-SEW 13.3 80 0.1779 2.7 0.1542 13 20 0.399
Non-SEW (wet/dry) 13.3 80 0.1305 3.6 0.1542 13 20 0.399
SEW 11.3 80 0.1779 2.7 0.1542 13 20 0.353
SEW (wet/dry) 11.3 80 0.1305 3.6 0.1542 13 20 0.353


Turkeys: breeder toms
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 15.9 100 N/A N/A 0.0437 58 45 0.557
Turkeys: broilers (less than 6.2 kg)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 2.00 85 N/A N/A 0.0562 60 133 0.149
Turkeys: hens 6.2 to 10.8 kg
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
Brooded in another building 4.08 77 N/A N/A 0.0541 60 110 0.232
Brooded in the same barn 2.87 85 N/A N/A 0.0559 60 110 0.232
Turkeys: toms greater than 10.8 kg
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 6.03 80 N/A N/A 0.0410 60 75 0.325
Turkeys: turkey breeder layers
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 9.07 100 N/A N/A 0.0437 58 67 0.372
Turkeys: turkey starter barn (0 to 6 weeks)
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 0.680 80 N/A N/A 0.1249 58 267 0.093


Veal: grain fed
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 140 90 0.0724 9.0 0.0604 22 6 5.85
Veal: milk fed
Sub-sub type Average weight (kg/animal) Utilization (%) Liquid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Liquid DM (%) Solid amount (m3/1000 kg/day) Solid DM (%) Nutrient units (animal/NU) Livestock housing capacity (m2/animal)
N/A 102 80 0.0906 0.7 0.1389 40 6 2.79